Courses and Resources may be released for translation by volunteers who are managed by the Gospel Learning Center to provide verified translation. This content may be converted into any other format for use online or in publishing. It may also be used to manage versions and updates over time. Schools may independently hire translators and editors to use the program to accomplish the translation entry work faster and monitor the work completed. Translated content may be given permission to publish by anyone the school / organization approves.
Web Pages Translation - This module allows translation of the web pages that support multiple language use. The first section of web pages are the School Administration programming. (Done 1/5/2012)
Course Translation - This module will allow any courses created by a school to be translated into other languages. (Done 2/29/2012)
Form Email Translation - This allows any emails used by the program or schools to have their content translated to support multiple languages. (Pending)
Form Letters Translation - This module allows translation of any form letters used by the school to be sent to students, pastors and other contacts in any language they are needed. (Pending)
Questionnaire Forms Translation - This module allows translation of the student questionnaire forms that can be assigned to any course lesson for student responses to the school. (Pending)
Report Translation - This module allows translation of any system reports used by the School staff. (Pending)
Book Translation - This module allows translation of books in the Resource Library. (Done 3/7/2012)
Media Library Translation - This module allows translation of the Media Library contents in the Resources Library. (Done 4/4/2012)